- Cesário, R., 2017. Processes and fluxes of mercury and methylmercury in a contaminated ecosystem: Tagus estuary (Portugal). PhD Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 335 pp. (In English - Abstract in Portuguese).
- Cesário, R., 2008. Effect of bioturbation on the distribution of metals and stable isotopes of lead in salt marsh sediments in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. MSc Thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, 66 pp. (In Portuguese - Abstract in English).
- Cesário, R., 2002. Development of analytical methods for the determination of heavy metals in environmental matrices by ICP-MS. BSc Thesis. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, 143 pp. (In Portuguese).
- Cesário, R., 2021. Distribution of metals and stable Pb isotopes in salt marsh sediments: Bioturbation effects caused by Polychaeta and halophyte plants in salt marsh sediments from Tagus estuary - Portugal. Lamber Academic Publishing, 79 pp. ISBN-10: 6203840696.
Book Chapters
- Brito, P., Cesário, R., Monteiro, C.E. Lesser-known Metals with Potential Impacts in the Marine Environment, in Coastal and Deep Ocean Pollution, Science Publishers, CRC Press, p. 33, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-13-856939-3.
- Noelia La Colla, Sandra E. Botté, Carlos E. Monteiro, Rute Cesário, Marcos Franco and Jorge Marcovecchio. Mercury Cycling in the Coastal and Open Ocean and Associated Health Risks: A Global Overview, in Coastal and Deep Ocean Pollution, Science Publishers, CRC Press, p. 24, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-13-856939-3.
Papers in SCI journals
- Cesário, R., O´Driscoll, N.J., Justino, S., Wilson, C.E.; Monteiro, C.E., Zilhão, H., Canário, J. 2021. "Air concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury and vegetation-air fluxes within saltmarshes of the Tagus estuary, Portugal". Atmosphere, 12, 228, - (IF:2.397 - Q2)
- Bento, B., Hintelmann, H., Santos, M.C., Cesário, R., Canário, J. 2021. "Mercury methylation rates in Deception Island (Maritime Antarctica) waters and pyroclastic gravel impacted by volcanic mercury". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164, 112023 (DOI: - IF: 4.049 - Q1)
- Cabrita, M.T., Duarte, B., Cesário, R., Mendes, R., Hintelmann, H., Eckey, K., Dimock, B., Caçador, I., Canário, J. 2019. "Mercury mobility and effects in the salt-marsh plant Halimione portulacoides: Uptake, transport, and toxicity and tolerance mechanisms". Science of the Total Environment, 650, 111-120.(DOI: - IF: 6.551 - Q1)
- Cesário, R., Mota, A.M., Caetano, M., Nogueira, M., Canário, J. 2018. "Mercury and Methylmercury transport and fate in the water column of Tagus Estuary (Portugal)". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 235-250.(DOI: - IF: 4.049 - Q1)
- Cesário, R., Hintelmann, H., O´Driscoll, N.J., Monteiro, C.E., Cetano, M., Nogueira, M., Mota, A.M., Canário, J. 2017. "Biogeochemical cycle of mercury and methylmercury in two highly contaminated areas of Tagus Estuary (Portugal)". Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 228: 257. (DOI: - IF: 1.900 - Q2)
- Cesário, R., Poissant, L., Pilote, M., O´Driscoll, N.J., Moya, A.M., Canário, J. 2017. "Dissolved gaseous mercury formation and mercury volatilization in intertidal sediments". Science of the Total Environment 603-604, 279-289. (DOI: - IF: 6.551 - Q1)
- Cesário, R., Hintelmann, H., Mendes, R., Eckley, K., Dimock, B., Araújo, B., Mota, A.M., Canário, J. 2017."Evaluation of mercury methylation and methylmercury demethylation rates in vegetated and non-vegetated saltmarsh sediments from two Portuguese estuaries". Environmental Pollution 226, 297 - 307. (DOI: - IF: 6.792 - Q1)
- Cesário, R., Monteiro, C.E., Nogueira, M., O´Driscoll, N.J., Caetano, M., Hintelmann, H., Mota, A.M., Canário, J. 2016. "Mercury and methylmercury dynamics in sediments on a protected area of Tagus estuary (Portugal)" Water, Air and Soil Pollution 227:475. (DOI: - IF: 1.900 - Q2)
- Monteiro, C.E., Cesário, R., O´Driscoll, N.J., Nogueira, M., Válega, M., Caetano, M., Canário, J. 2016. "Seasonal Variation of Methylmercury in sediment cores from the Tagus Estuary (Portugal)". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104 (1-2), 162-170. (DOI: - IF: 4.049 - Q1)
- Araújo, O., Pereira, P., Cesário, R., Pacheco, M., Raimundo, J. 2015. "The sub-cellular fate of mercury in the liver of wild mullets (Liza aurata) - Contribution to the understanding of metal-induced cellular toxicity". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95 (1), 412-418. (DOI: - IF: 4.049 - Q1)
- Mil-Homens, M., Blum, J., Canário, J., Caetano, M., Costa, A.M., Lebreiro, S.M., Trancoso, M.A., Richter, T., Stigter, H., Johnson, M., Branco, V., Cesário, R., Mouro, F., Mateus, M., Boer, W., Melo, Z. 2013. "Tracing anthropogenic Hg and Pb input using stable Hg and Pb isotope ratios in sediments of the central Portuguese Margin". Chemical Geology, 336: 62-71. (DOI: - IF: 3.362 - Q1)
- Lobo, J., Costa, P.M., Caeiro, S., Martins, M., Ferreira, A.M., Caetano, M., Cesário, R., Vale, C., Costa, M.H. 2010. "Evaluation of the potential of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule L.) for the ecological risk assessment of estuarine sediments: bioaccumulation and biomarkers". Ecotoxicology, 19(8): 1496-512. (DOI: - IF: 2.535 - Q2)
- Raimundo, J., Vale, C., Caetano, M., Cesário, R., Moura, I. 2009. "Total lead and its stable isotopes in digestive gland of octopus vulgaris as a fingerprint". Aquatic Biology, 6: 25-30. (DOI: - IF: 1.667 - Q2)
- Mil-Homens, M., Caetano, M., Lebreiro, S., Costa, A., Richter, T., Cesário, R., Brito, P., De Stigter, H., Boer, W., Trancoso, A., Mouro, T. 2009. "Recent changes in lead isotopic signature in sediments of the Cascais Canyon (Portugal)", Nuevas Contribuciones al Margen Ibérico Atlântico, 313-316.
- Pereira, P., de Pablo, H., Vale, C., Rosa-Santos, F., Cesário, R. 2008. "Metal and nutrient dynamics in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (Óbidos, Portugal): the importance of observations at different time scales", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 158: 405-418. (DOI: - IF: 1.903 - Q2)
- Caetano, M., Vale, C., Cesário, R., Fonseca, N. 2008. "Evidence for preferential depths of metal retention in roots of salt marsh plants." Science of the Total Environment, 390: 466-474. (DOI: - IF: 6.551 - Q1)
- Caetano, M., Fonseca, N., Cesário, R., Vale, C. 2007. "Mobility of Pb in salt marshes recorded by total content and stable isotopic signature." Science of the Total Environment 380: 84-92. (DOI: - IF: 6.551 - Q1)
- Canário, J., Caetano, M., Vale, C., Cesário, R. 2007. Evidence for elevated production of methylmercury in salt marshes. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 21, 7376-7382. (DOI: - IF: 7.864 - Q1)
- Pinho, J., Canário, J., Cesário, R., Vale, C. 2005. A rapid acid digestion method with ICP-MS detection for the determination of selenium in dry sediments. Analytica Chimica Acta, 551, 1-2, 207-212. (DOI: - IF: 5.977 - Q1)